The Verde Valley of north central Arizona has provided shelter and sustenance to human cultures through thousands of years. The Paleoindians are believed to have used the Verde Valley at times during the period of 11,500 BC to 9,000 BC as evidenced by a small number of Clovis style projectile points and scratch style petroglyphs. The Archaic culture subsisted in the Verde Valley from 9,000 BC until AD 600, again as evidenced by projectile points and petroglyphs and pictographs. From AD 600 until AD 1400 the artifactual evidence indicates the development of a culture the archaeologists have named Southern Sinagua. Following the Sinagua into the Verde Valley were the Yavapai and Tonto Apache.
Members of the Archaeological Society enjoy unique visits to archaeological sites in the Verde Valley and beyond. Monthly meetings feature a speaker on topics of local, state or national archaeological interest.
Professional archaeologists serve as advisors and offer laboratory and field classes to advance the knowledge and skills of avocational archaeologists. The Verde Valley Chapter is backed by excellent resources and has been actively involved in Verde Valley archaeology since 1973. We work hand-in-hand with the U.S. Forest Service, as well as the National Park Service, the Museum of Northern Arizona and Northern Arizona University.
Members of the Verde Valley Chapter of the Arizona Archaeological Society, enjoy many benefits.
Whether you are a novice or professional, the Verde Valley Chapter welcomes everyone with an interest in archaeology and anthropology.
The Verde Valley Chapter is now offering scholarships to college and university students pursuing degrees in Archaeology or Anthropology. The Dr. David R. Wilcox Grant Program is open to all Archaeology and Anthropology undergraduate and graduate students at nationally accredited colleges and universities who wish to advance their education, opportunity and experience in these fields of study. Please visit VVCAAS.ORG for more information.
Chapter phone: 928-451-4790 for information.
Please mail your membership application to: VVCAAS, P.O. Box 1243, Sedona, AZ 86339
Make checks payable to VVCAAS.
HOW TO JOIN: (Memberships run annually on the calendar year)
Membership Fees: $35 Single: $40 Family (Two or more residing in same household)
New or Renewal Membership Application: Click here.
2020 Office | Office Holder | Contact Information |
President | Linda Krumrie | 928-451-4790 |
Vice President | Linda Krumrie | 928-451-4790 |
2nd V.P. | Jon Petrescu | |
Treasurer | Beverly Haas | |
Secretary | Beverly Haas | |
Three Year Director | Pam Kalish | |
Two Year Director | Marjorie Terrell | |
One Year Director | Kay Threlkeld | |
Outings Coordinator | Linda Krumrie | 928-451-4790 |
Chapter Web Page Update | Jon Petrescu | |
Advisor | Peter Pilles, Jr. | |
Advisor | Andy Christenson | |
The Chapter Monthly Meetings are open to the public and are held at the Sedona Public Library, 3250 White Bear Road, unless otherwise noted, on the 4th Thursday of the month at 3:30 p.m. No meetings are held in June, July or August.
Please Note: ONLY Members of AAS can participant in Workshops and Field Trips. Field Trip participants will be required to sign an AAS Liability Release Form.
Memberships run on the calendar year. See above for membership information and link to application..
Event/Location | Date |
Speaker/Instructor | Topic/Event/Activity |
Chapter Meeting Sedona Library |
Thursday, Mar. 27, 3:30pm |
Ralph Burillo Archaeologist |
Presentation: Mother Bears Ears and the Women's Park: Exploring Women's History in the Greater Mesa Verde Region |
Chapter Meeting Sedona Library |
Thursday, April 24, 3:30pm |
Barbara McCabe Yavapai Apache Nation |
Presentation: My Native Life: Then & Now |
Chapter Picnic | Saturday, May 3 11am to 3pm | Dead Horse Ranch State Park Cottonwood | |
Chapter Meeting Sedona Library |
Thursday, May 22, 3:30pm |
Caitlin Wichlacz
Chapter Grant Awardee |
Characterization and Empirical Understanding of the Production and Provenance of Salado Polychrome Pottery |
Past Events
Event | Date |
Speaker/Instructor | Topic/Event/Activity |
Chapter Meeting Sedona Library |
Thursday, Feb. 27 |
Michael Kellett Archaeologist |
Presentation: Prehistoric Obsidian Procurement and Exchange in West-Central Arizona |
Overnight Outing | February 20, 21 | Led by Richard Lange and Scott Wood | Tonto Basin Area |
Heard Museum Daytrip |
Saturday, Jan. 11 | ||
Chapter Meeting |
Thursday, Jan. 23 |
Richard Lange Archaeologist |
Presentation: The Sierra Ancha Cliff Dwellings: Then and Now |
Nearby Cultural Sites
Montezuma's Castle National Monument
Tuzigoot National Monument
Walnut Canyon National Monument
Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument
Ridoran Mansion State Historical Park
Hopi Cultural Preservation Office